Printemps des Sciences-Fès, Morocco 2019

Expo-Sciences Luxembourg 2019
March 27, 2019
Science Expo Belgium 2019
May 5, 2019

In the middle of the Easter holidays, a group of students from the Cardenal Xavierre-Fesd School (Eduardo García, Patricia Bellmunt and Carlos Royo) made a break to go to the Printemps des Sciences, held in Fez-Morocco.

This trip was made possible thanks to the collaboration of the associations from five countries that are participating in the MOBISCIENCES 2019 project through the Erasmus+ grants.

In the afternoon, the participants of the Spanish delegation gave a workshop in which they explained the learning process and the implementation of their project entitled aVeR (virtual reality notes) and its application in the high school classrooms of their centre.  

After finishing the workshop, we participated in a geometry and ceramics workshop in which we learned how the stars are made typically in Moroccan ceramics.

In the evening, we had the pleasure of having dinner with the president of the commune of Fez-sais.

The big day began! It was a day of nerves since it was the first time that the participants attended this type of event. The first person who came to know the project was delighted and the nerves were left behind.

During the morning, both national and international participants from the scientific and educational sectors of the city of Fez passed by.

They were even able to talk to members of the Moroccan government who were impressed by this project earlier on and passed on their sincere congratulations to the participants. 

After the whole morning and part of the afternoon of exhibitions, the event was closed and prizes were awarded to the national participants.

In the evening, we had an international dinner at the French embassy where we could enjoy an evening in the purest Moroccan style, music included.

The next morning, we had a sightseeing tour of Fez’s heritage. We went into its streets and passages visiting the craftsmen’s neighbourhood. We also visited the Chouwara tannery, an infinite number of pits full of dyes where you could see how they produce and colour the leather of the lamb, the ox, the goat and the camel.

We could also visit the recently opened astronomy museum in the City of Fez.

In the afternoon, we enjoyed our free time in the souk, where we could buy all kinds of spices, typical food and essential oils.

Our adventure was coming to an end, on the 23rd we took a plane to Barcelona and then a bus to Zaragoza.

In short, it has been a unique experience for both participants and leaders as we have lived and enjoyed it together.

By Alba Clavero

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