XXVII International Congress of Young Researchers

Exposcience – Toulouse 2018
June 4, 2018
XX Exporecerca Jove, Barcelona 2019
March 4, 2019

The 27th edition of the International Congress of Young Researchers, held in the Aragonese capital, started at the beginning of the summer.

It was a great day for everyone, but especially for the participants of this great Congress, which brought together young people from many countries, both those involved in the Erasmus+ programme ( France, Belgium, Luxembourg, Morocco) and those from other parts of the world (Turkey, Bulgaria, Mexico).

We kicked off at the town hall with the reception of the Councillor for Participation, Elena Giner, and other members of the municipal organisation. After the institutional opening, we took a guided tour of the Pilar Basilica and went up the Pilar elevator to see a panoramic view of our city from another point of view.

We regained our strength and began the first session of lectures in Ibercaja Patio de la Infanta, in which projects such as “Ferrofluid and its usage”, “Math Mountain”, “Silica particles for obtaining structural colour”…

To conclude the first day of the Congress, we held an International Dinner, where each delegation made a presentation of their country and delighted us with typical food from the place. We had the pleasure of tasting everything from crêpes and French cheese, Belgian chocolate, Bulgarian cold cuts, Moroccan and Luxembourgish sweets, Turkish nuts and even the traditional Spanish tortilla.

We continued the second day of the congress with a session of presentations in the Patio de la Infanta like “Taking Notes”, “DAC Solution. No to Cyberbullying”, “Development of nano biosensor for dopamine detection”…

We were coming to the end of this congress and were invited to make the last presentations in the building of Zaragoza Activa. There, the closing ceremony took place with the Regional Minister of Innovation, Research and University of the Government of Aragon and Lola Ranera, president of the district council “el rabal”.

It was time to say goodbye to our participants who returned home with a suitcase full of experience and wisdom.

By Alba Clavero

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